Flood Mapping

Home Flood Mapping
Flood Mapping

Generates the live flood inundated region.

Flood Lab (Digital Flood Library and Safety Tool) is an innovative start-up providing comprehensive solutions of all flood related problems to the Company, Industry, Individual, Dam and property owners.

Our key products i.e. Digital Flood Library and Flood Bell [comprises of Figure to Flood (F2F), Emergency Action Plan (EAP) and Flood Insurance tool)] provides the early flood warning to users via Mobile app for evacuation and damage prevention. Furthermore, the product is extremely helpful for flood hazard mapping, damage estimation and flood insurance. It also improves the safety, sustainability, productivity and profitability of individuals, property owners and Dam owners, and improves flood Safety. It also provides the various mapping services using Drone, RS, GIS, and modelling techniques for industrial applications like Surveying & Mapping, Construction, Agriculture, Surveillance, etc. Flood lab delivers outstanding end-to-end solutions for water management which is required in various sectors. The company is constantly innovating and experimenting, to offer better performance and higher reliability.

15 Years Experience

Award Winning

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